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Generate private keys


Each validator node requires private keys for signing blocks and consensus messages sent to the other validators in the network.

The required private keys include a BLS key and an ECDSA key. The keys are named after digital signature schemes: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) and Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS), respectively.

  • The BLS key is used for producing finality votes. Validators who produce finality votes receive a reward.
  • The ECDSA key is used for signing blocks.

Generate a BLS key

You can generate a BLS key pair using the Ronin CLI or your node's Docker image.

Generate using the CLI

  1. Build Ronin from the source code:

    $ git clone
    $ cd ronin
    $ make ronin
  2. Add ./build/bin/ronin to the $PATH environment variable. You can do this by adding the following line to your $HOME/.profile or /etc/profile (for a system-wide installation):

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ronin

    If run from the ronin directory, then the command is as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:./build/bin/ronin

    Note: Make sure to close and reopen the terminal after adding the path.

  3. Generate a BLS key pair:

    $ mkdir bls_keystore
    $ echo "input_your_password" > bls_password
    $ ronin account generatebls --secret

    The output is the following:

    Successfully generated BLS key
    Public key: {your_public_key}
    Secret key: {your_private_key}

    An all-accounts.keystore.json file containing the encrypted BLS key is created inside the bls_keystore directory.

    To reveal the public key, run this command:

    ronin account listbls

    The output is the following:

    BLS public key #0: {your_public_key}

    To reveal both the public key and private key, run this command:

    ronin account listbls --secret

    The output is the following:

    BLS public key #0: {your_public_key}
    BLS secret key #0: {your_private_key}

Generate using Docker image

In the .env file of your node's Docker image, configure the following:

  1. Leave BLS_PRIVATE_KEY empty but enter the password in BLS_PASSWORD.
  2. Set BLS_AUTO_GENERATE to true, and then run docker-compose up -d.
  3. Run docker-compose logs node, which returns Using BLS account your-public-key.

If you want to view the BLS private key, do the following:

  1. Set BLS_SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY=true, run docker-compose up -d
  2. Run docker-compose logs node, which returns BLS secret key #0: {your_private_key}. Note: This command just shows the private key without running the node.
  3. Set BLS_SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY to false, and then run docker-compose up -d to start the node.

Generate an ECDSA key

You can generate an ECDSA key pair using the Ronin CLI or the Ronin Wallet app or extension.

Generate an ECDSA key using the CLI


Go (version 1.20 or later). Follow the installation instructions on the official website.


  1. Compile the ethkey tool from the Ronin source code by running the following commands:

    $ git clone
    $ cd ronin
    $ go get ./...
    $ go build ./cmd/ethkey/
    $ ls -l ethkey

    The output is similar to the following:

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 user staff 16306850 Mar 23 18:13 ethkey
  2. Generate the key pair and set a password:

    ./ethkey generate your_private_key_name
  3. Reveal the key pair:

    ./ethkey inspect --private your_private_key_name

Generate using Ronin Wallet

ECDSA keys can also be generated using Ronin Wallet, both the browser extension and the mobile app. Follow the steps in the flow diagrams provided in the following sections.

Browser extension

Mobile app

See also